8 months ago

dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the new thomas for GASH NO WAY (new thomas model// old one)



Next up

Hi, my name is zer0, known in my real life as "Noam", i live in Parahyba Brazil, in the same city that MarcelloTimeNice30 lives, i have 15 years old and i dicovered today to not do shit online, because people get mad when i say that shit

This group is totally for me

while i was listening the song i didn't saw the post Takwa was doing, and that's how o feel doing that @chef_pp_daughter

Wow guys 100 followers, that's crazy, wow, that's cool, that's great

But seriously thanks guys for all that attention your are giving to me, and a huge shout out to @chef_pp_daughter for making this actully happening, making her fan base following me

hey daddy, what doing


so many jobs

Hehe, disinformation online

Ok, now seriously, i don't have cancer, this post about i having was just an bait to test about how the people would react with something extreme and such, Even though I could have cancer at some point in my life

Por uma caridade 🥺