[ Underswap ] The Kaboom

2 years ago

[ Dustswap: The kaboom ] The ( maybe ) full experienc omggg - PROGRESS REPORT

hello everynyan

Here Dend le dendy, your favorite chicken meower

Today, after three months I'm here to talk with you ( not really you will not say anything ) about the animation & stuff itself, and the au uhhh,, direction for say it like that

Without more to say, lets start



What's new in general...?

First of all, amazing but, we're not dead ( mostly we were for 1 month but then we started to do stuff again ) and we have been cooking a lot of stuff, ideas, etc

The thing will not be a phase 3 focused animation, after discussing it with some team members and that stuff, we decided to expand the views of it ( gonna talk abt that later wait me 5 minutes )

Almost forgot, the page got a bit changed, not really the big deal but meow


About the phase 3 thing, the one who (kinda) started everything, we havent forget about that one

We have been planning stuff to add for it and that, and for have a better view of it we will take our time for that part, aswell for not lose the motivation working on that thing only, we started doing other stuff for the au itself.

Anyways, have here some little views of something of the ideas we worked on ( I will post some videos here in other posts )



Okay so,

Remember this is mainly an animation, for that, I was thinking about making some sort of format of series, for say it like that, and not having all the stuff in one single video

With that, I can bring y'all more stuff abt kaboom that are not the phases thing ( though that one will be the one that will take more time for obvious reasons ) but I'll try to make some kind of shorts about lore and that, is mostly a concept, but yeah.

About the other phases, we'll work on them too, but there's nothing done at the moment

* drums *


Yeah, it is a thing now

Why? Well, Leakage ( Main writer ) was thinking on ideas and stuff of it and thanks to him and other ideas, that was the start of the expansion thing reason

I decided to start animating it and aswell thanks to the support of other team members, the Papyrus encounter ( aka Parmesan encounter on Kaboom ) is being a thing now, this is just early production (( We literally started it less than 1 week ago ))



Hibtw some friend told me "Omg hey can I own the swap version of kaboom"
I said yeah why not
Now Dustbelief and the golden bomb is a thing

... I guess
Here the page though the progress of it is secret for now


And that's all!

( Not really but we have stuff we'll show later or are in secret )

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Next up

Dont leave us yet we're not doing the dusttrust cancellations references thing ( we're alive )

As much as I dont like a "core encounter" thing we're doing it anyways

Sandro got to wash his clothes so he'll use something different from now on

This is a change we've been some time thinking on and since we're a bit silent lately, I post this lowkey thing I did this morning just to announce it a bit, anyways, chicken meow

Sandro did a little cameo on underevent btw

every 2 years

Hi guess who's joining to the godot crew

I gave up like 5 times before but now im actually trying to do stuff and did like 10 times more stuff than the past tests months ago

Learning slow bc I never was into coding games, it is going slow but secure

due to recent events 👻

[ Parmesan encounter - Some info ]

two dangerous buttons

noelle joined

Hey new theme dropped

This is for a parmesan chase thing that will be part of the parmesan section (duh)

he got a sniper isnt that cool (idk)