Human, continuing their genocide paths over and over, drew Papyrus insane.
Willing to stop them, no matter the cost, he decided to do his own genocide route to overpower human.
However, sans obviously didn't like this plan at all.
In one sudden encounter between two brothers, sans tried to convince Papyrus to stop doing this and find the solution to this problem together.
But Papyrus didn't listen, forcing sans do defend himself.
Unfortunately, with no other choice left, sans killed Papyrus.
sans, filled with lament and sorrow, continued Papyrus' plan.
His path was unwilling, he definitely didn't want this to happen at all.
Rarely meeting human, sans just fled.., until their final encounter in The Last Corridor.
Phase 1 begin.
sans, willing to solve everything peacefully, didn't attack human much, trying to reason with them.
However, they didn't listen and continued to attack.
Until suddenly, human slashed sans and broke his armor a bit.
Understanding that there's no point in talking anymore, sans decided to use all his powers and kill the human, no matter the cost.
Phase 2 begin and sans desperately but confidently start attacking in pure silence.
After some time, he got tired, opening himself to human.
Remembering what he went through, he successfully dodged human's attack, continuing their fight.
Near the end, sans loses himself completely and trap human, willing to deal final death shot to them.
But, unfortunately, he get slashed again.
Looking at the human with pure anger and rage, he hardly accepts his defeat and turns into the dust.
The End.