16 days ago

Each channel is a deadly sin of hell, and they are all described here.

Lust- Worship

Envy- Memes

Greed- Fanart

Wrath- Games

Pride- Clips/Videos

Sloth- Pets

Gluttony- Other

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Random Discord shit 3

1. Last Breath :3

2. Hm...

3. Uhm... I...*flustered*

4. Crack

5. I blew up Malaysia

6. Beep bop brep

7. Can't get more than I have

8. Still not forgiving you -_-

9. Uhm, uh! That- how- UHM!

10. Yay! Kaboom!

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New favorite song

The only robot I'd take on a date

In the process of creating Reaper Hallows, Project Rosemary (my Changed fangame) has also started creation.

Mom come pick me up I'm scared

1. I said it lots, and I'll say it again. I love all my lovers the same.

2. Hey thanks man

3. I was born male, but I prefer if female identity is used for me



Random Discord shit 4