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Yeah, except for certain pokemon names like Pikachu, I learned that even in France, Pokemon names are translated into French because Julien Bardakoff, who was

Coming Really Soon (I think) + new tutorial on YT coming really soon too (i think too lol)

good news my fellow Scratcher (as Griffpatch would say on YT) my script to make tasks easier for modded Turbowarp works I just need to add feature buttons like adding a sprite to the sprite library etc.

#MarioDayPowerup uh... Ice Ball...

#MarioDayArt (Unfinished from 2019 Fan art vector i made on Scratch lol)

Here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/289093025/

hey I found the Edition logo that I used for the Baldi Basics + Edition icon.


Today, as yesterday, it's gigaleak's turn, with my intentionally unfinished projects and so on. lol

Pierre Poilievre's popularity in Canada before and after be like

Caillou RTX

My next project will sometimes be translated into French because I'm ready to forgive what this community did to me, even though I know that not everyone was a bad person etc.