Early stuff as a celebration of the official announcement.
Reminder that if you'd like to help, not only is a Discord coming soon, but you can contact me right here on Game Jolt, or by adding me on Discord via my username courisu (all lowercase).
Next up
Started putting together a little thing called Alterground. This is pretty much all I have so far.
Sneak peak.
Would you believe me if I said over a hundred of those hours were spent on FELLSWAP: Prologue? (I sucked a lot at first.)
So what would you guys like to see in Re:Write?
Look who it is!
Track number 2, Synchrony (File Select), has been released!
As the title suggests, it plays on the file select screen.
It's based on the version used in Brandish 2: The Planet Buster.
You can listen to it right here, if you'd like.
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Scrapped panel slide.
This took an embarrassing amount of time to program. (Please forgive the stuff that's clearly a placeholder, like ANOTHER HIM, the Press Z or Enter text, Credits not working yet, etc.)
Little outtake experimenting with stuff.
Sorry there's not been a ton of progress as of recent.