I have decided to cancel the project now cause i just burnt out on it and i just dont care about the game anymore sides that matededdneddy did unfriended me anyways so i doubt he wants me to keep making the game if anyone wants to make this game happen then go for it i might upload the project file so people can get the game done if they want to make it happen i have lost interest in making this game for so long i dont feel worthy of making it anymore im not gonna stop people from making the game i will give the project build to whoever wants it i will give my discord for anyone who wants to work on it im not posting it on here just for whoever wants it and can work on it but please remember to credit Matededdneddy snice it is still his game thank you i did the best i could for it and i tried to make it happen im sorry for doing this but i dont see myself working on it anymore thank you for understanding and have a good day or night bye my megabros.
My Discord Is Coryplaygames#9297