I'm happy to announce the official demo of the 2d version of Eden Lost: A Hero's Journey is complete!!! It's has been about 3 years of self-teaching and 3 versions of rebuilds before this one. Very excited for everyone to check out and play this version of the game before I move to the Unity Engine to create the 3D version with my super talented programmer Patrick Gregg!
This demo has 8 simple quests to get a feel for the mechanics and idea of what the game will be when I fully bring it to life. Remember, it is a prototype/Demo so it might have some bugs. It has been a long time coming and even though it's not a full-fledged game, I have learned so much and accomplished a lot on my own without schooling in my spare time. Here I present to you Eden Lost! Thank you, love you guys who've been watching and supporting me! Looking forward to your comments.
If you want to show your support you can visit my Patreon page and help make the dream come true!
Install Instructions:
Click on Link, download the zip file, unzip the file, and double-click on the game icon.
Has Xbox360 controller support but the keyboard works more efficiently. All the character graphics are not present due to the limitation of the game maker engine. This demo doesn't have a save feature built-in. 8 quest to complete. I don't own all the music in this demo.
F1: for Full Screen
TAB: See Controls
ESC: Exit Game
R: Hard Restart
P: Link To My Patreon
O: Debug/Collision View
ARROW KEYS: To Move Character
Z: Jump
X: Attack
c: Equip(Inventory)
A: Equip Left Weapon Slot
D: Equip Right Weapon Slot
S: Set Skill Item Slot
Space: Action/Interact/Speak