6 months ago

{edgy rant, unimportant.. please dont read}

that moment when one of your comfort (irl) person feels threatened by your fictional comfort character and forcefully gets rid of them


yes im crying over the bob ting again, it might seem stupid, but he was the only thing that made me truly happy since i was an innocent little kid... mom really doesn't know how much it hurt when she put a stop to it..... i havent felt as happy as i was drawing him.. ever.. ive never felt that happy drawing anything

he brung such joy to my heart... but she had to take it away.. she always does...

id list all the other things she took away but it would be too long

and im tired

i need to get a new therapist asap



Next up

screenshot frm my drafts,, ngl i feel like some people really need to hear this, and i hope tht the person i hinted at with this post notices (they blocked me a long time ago for nothing)


- urge to speak

tht actual moment when i put 0.0001% effort in art:

i coockd againg,,.

i swear im working on the comic,, the last pic is a tiny leak

mhhh thingg.. for @Flavio-animates (hes going to remake it)


we love casting spells

uhh dis weeks art dump might start doing art posts weekly if theres nothing to interfere

1st img is next weeks leak

citrus & spool as humans.., 4 no actual reason

@HelloWorldHappyDay said sigma..... if you think its fake youre sstupid anf uhhh a cornheaded ninny muggins..

pic of hw saying sigma in desc