Chibi Yandere
4 years ago

Elimination methods list

Hi everyone!

I will recapitulate the elimination methods that will be available for eliminating in the future rivals.

•Befriending: You need to socialize with the rival and get friend with here. When you're friend with her, you will be able to ask the rival to stop looking for Senpai.

•Burning: You need some good old gasoline or maybe burning the school grounds to burn your rival. They're also the magic power of demons that is available if you're in the occult club.

•Expulsion: You need to put the rival in a very bad situation at school like framing her for having cigarettes, having bad marks, having suspicious objects in her locker and so on... The guidance councelor will notify the rival her expulsion from Senpai damaging her reputation greatly.

•Framed: Putting the rival in jail while commiting crimes? You'll need to increase the suspicion rate by propaging rumors or making sure the rival is affected by specific status. Like for example visibly bloody or visibly insane.

•Homicide: Pretty straight forward, killing with a weapon your rival. The main mission is to not get caught.

•Kidnapping: You will bring the rival to your basement and torture her. You're really a bad girl.

•Matchmaking: This one can be done with every students (except Senpai obviously) but it will be much more easier with characters that share similar traits. The goal is to increase the love meter to make sure the rival is no longer interested in Senpai.

•Poisoning: Killing your rival by poisoning her food or by injecting directly with a syringe.

•Rejected: Senpai will refuse the rival confession because of her bad behaviour or by making sure to ruin rival interactions with Senpai.

•Suicide: When the rival reputation is up to 0, she will decide to kill her self because feeling excluded from society and never achieving her goals and dreams.

•Torture: Pretty self explanatory, you need to put your rival in a mental breakdown so she will kill her self.

Stay tuned for more news!



Next up

Who's da best? A little recap that compare every students for specific events in Chibi Yandere Complete Edition.

Inventory system is returning

Future update with full objects supported!

Hazu... you're such a pervert!

Version 0.6.5 is out now.

Ding Dong Ding Dong! A new update (0.7.1) and upcoming changes for the fan game!

New web site and Contest to earn a free t-shirt!

How to catch a cheater!

New update of Chibi Yandere 0.6.3


Object function is out and information about the 0.7.0 update.

How to make Chibi Yandere Complete Edition work in Linux distributions ? Also some announce about ending support for specific supports.

Congratulations to the winner Nicolas!

Happy holidays to everyone!