My Hayami-Chan 2

7 months ago

Ellen gets to be the big girl.



Next up

I want to change the outfits for Jejune, atleast some of them, a lot of them have her standing in the same pose and it looks kinda lazy idk.

EDIT: I will be redesigning some of the outfits for all the characters, stay tuned.

showing off some stuff

Android port wip.

This will be transformed into it's own thing, basically it will not be Headpat Simulator 2 but rather like, Headpat Simulator Pocket or something in that nature.

Some features will have to be changed or removed to work correctly etc.

Happy #GokuDay! Check your quest log for a way to earn Goku stickers! 👀

Plus, tell us your favorite memory of Goku in the comments!


Would Bulma be your ideal partner to search for the dragon balls?

#DragonBall #Bulma #Anime #Manga

See more on instagram:

Physical game cover thingy.

Working on the "first encounter with Jejune" Cutscene.

Hey! I made this Realistic Super Saiyan Sketch. What do you think?

Not really a redesign, mostly me finishing the current design of her.