Easy Mode - Pizzaface is slower and can be parried. Parrying him will get rid of him temporarily, with the time in-between respawns getting shorter and shorter until after 3 parries. At that point, Pizzaface will only be bounced backwards before resuming his chase. Checkpoints are enabled.
Normal Mode - Pizzaface moves at his regular speed and cannot be parried. Checkpoints are enabled.
Hard Mode - Pillar John's ghost spawns with Pizzaface on Lap 3. John Ghost acts exactly like he does in Wasteyard, speeding up if he is too far from the player and teleporting you to the start of the room if touched. Pizzaface cannot be parried. Checkpoints are disabled.
Extreme Mode - Pizzaface becomes Faster, Snick now dives down, WAY faster. Ghost John hurts you.
Next up
Time Traveler: *kicks rock*
The Timeline:
Perfect. Now it looks good
Peak shit
Watch me coook
Man I hate desert bus! Hopefully someone doesn’t mod it into PT!
“badlands_desertbus” (only during the escape, room after the ufo exit and before the cow cliff fall):
Please, if your experienced with this stuff, do not just pass it off, please help, https://discord.gg/sCCgHEdghn
Still working on it!
Great so now I’m being accused of faking suicided ok man, I was actually just modding and my friends sent me memes to make me feel better, don’t believe me?