Five Nights At Fredbear's Family Diner 2 : Remake

1 year ago

EN: Development news

ES: Noticias del desarrollo


  • First of all, what you see in the picture are the files used in the Custom Night, not what the Custom Night will look like. Continuing, we are already progressing in different areas to finish the game once and for all, another detail is that Henry's voice actor will change for this game, the previous voice actor of the first game was very irresponsible in not wanting to present himself to do the voice (Laziness and Lack of Commitment). You will be able to have the game in a while, just be patient.


  • Primero que nada, eso que ven en la fotografía, son los archivos que se usan en la Custom Night, No es como se verá la Custom Night. Continuando, ya vamos progresando en diferentes áreas para terminar el juego de una buena vez, otro detalle es que el actor de voz de Henry cambiará para este juego, el anterior actor de voz del primer juego fue muy irresponsable al no querer presentarse para hacer la voz (Flojera y Falta de Compromiso). Ya dentro de un tiempo podrán tener el juego, solo sean pacientes.



Next up

In 40 minutes the trailer for the DLCs will be released

Testing material alternatives of Jolly's model for TSOT : Omega Redux

It would look something like this to search in a browser for FNaFFD 2 in 2010-2012

Even gods fall, but they'll never die...

In case you were wondering, this is our favorite song from the entire FNaFFD 2 soundtrack.

Today is the opposite day? or maybe not!

What will Piglet do in TSoT? @Andsy I demand an explanation under the laws of quantum physics


Ramiz & Friends: Revisualized - Out Now!

Developed By: @GhostGamesX , @jnity , @BubyGamer11 , & many others!

I only have Metallionette left to model, but at least here you have Red Fantasy Jolly or whatever his name is