Team Work
5 years ago

eng:thank you for watching our game

all the followers already in the credits

рус:спасибо что наблюдаете за нашей игрой

все подписчики (фоловеры) уже в титрах



Next up

eng: and more рус: и ещё

I'm working on a 3 demo version of the game team work (already about a month) team work is a game about an adventure of two cubes in a strange geometric world... link to the game -

eng: Oh, it's concept art. рус: оу, это концепт арт.

God i love unreal engine 5

eng:briefly about working with layers in clickteam fusion 2.5...

рус:коротко о работе с слоями в clickteam fusion 2.5...

Bullying tails.