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Here What I'm playing "Princess Peach: Showtime"...

Celebrate Minecraft's 15th anniversary with these quests! Unlock a new background!

The game was first released to the public on May 17, 2009.

Check your quest log to start completing the quests!

Me: "This game is kinda hard.. Can the Pirahnas make me jump?" #HydrocityZone

Minecraft's 15th anniversary is this Friday! 🤯

Quests celebrating the iconic game will pop into your quest log on Friday, so get ready to celebrate!

#GJAsks Most Anticapted Game is this...

Yes guys, My Lil bro isn't safe from Gojo #MyArt

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

WOOHOO! It won't let me down anyways...