28 days ago

Esp: Pregunten cualquier cosa relacionado al grupo, y nosotros le vamos a responder cualquier duda que tengan.

Eng: Ask anything related to the group, and we will answer any questions you may have.

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Eng: Day 23 interview with @flumptyplush

Esp: Día 23 entrevista con Flumpty Peluche


Unfortunately, the animation will not be published today, but we can show you the ONaF iceberg.

Day 24 credits to @flumptyplush for The comic.

The Eggspecial 10 Party is delayed, but here is a teaser of the event. Read the article to find out the reasons why it was delayed.

Flumpty's Jam Song by @fernandorojas8292 and credits to @PoiisxnArtz93 for The thumbnail