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ESP: Lleva gritando todo el día.

ENG: He's been screaming all day

ESP: ta muerto, no no respira necesita un remake o algo que se nos muere

ESP: he's dead, he's not breathing, he needs a remake or something, he's dying

The Discord server now has English chat, if you are an English speaking person and want to have fun JOIN 😀

Mario kart

always fun to experiment (headphones recommended)

ESP: Nuevo PFP de halloween 🎃

Porcierto, muchas gracias por ya casi llegar a los 360 seguidores, ya casi llegamos a los 400

ENG:New halloween PFP 🎃

By the way, thank you very much for almost reaching 360 followers, we're almost at 400.


Next week Weefager will be Available at IndieDevDay in Barcelona!!


Weefager estará disponible la semana que viene en la IndieDevDay de Barcelona!!

ESP: esta vez preferí hacer un video para explicar esto, muy masoquista de mi parte hacerme sufrir asi.

ENG: This time I preferred to make a video to explain this.