My friend in an eternal loop

3 years ago

Estamos preste a ver o nascimento de um boss.



Next up

Hi! this is our first boss, it will give players a lot of work hehe.

Be careful the shack joe is in the area.

Olá a todos que estão acompanhando! My friend in an eternal loop vai se tornar um game completo! Meu irmão que é um excelente artista 3D topou em entrar para a equipe agora nós dois iremos desenvolver juntos este game, aguardem mais atualizações.

GOODBYE TRIGGERS! Now with more time to work I removed the grab system that used triggers, now we are using a system that uses raycast and is working very well.

hello how is your sunday? look how one of the playable characters turned out he was too cool!

imaginem o trabalho que isso vai dar

Hi hello people! Today I finished our kitten he was cute, right?

A idle animation of a playable character

Be careful he will hunt you

Hey guys, check out the new "Parkour" system.