1 year ago

every day ofd my life is

starbee; hi

Peter: how do you drink

spider: ya

Peter: wait aren't we the same person

Starbee: i want one blond of satin 

spider: yo i want one spiders will

worker: you can just get something normal

Peter: ya 

worker: *givecorndog*

worker: now guys it gonna a tack 5 years to make your drinks

Starbee: i will wait a 1000 for it

spider: ok *does time spell* so 

worker: what happened

spider: i did a time spell

worker: i hate you



Next up

If anything’s brat it’s this

started making the firt game in mb or less

guys a new comic came out featuring a new superhero bat-man, this comic came from the same company as superman but do you think he'll check on like superman

treacing my own photo 2

so my boss j.j.j asked me to post something here so

watch just the fasts the new daily bugle pod cast

New figures