19 hours ago

Every time a student messed up, she did a push-up, a squat, and an abs exercise

Here's a link to a post on Reddit that came out just recently while I was being stupid and doing nothing, (typical laziness won me over x'D) :


1 comment


Next up

She looked at your browsing history.....

Also hi! Take a choccy milk, because you all epic

Engel - 君はもう死んでいる

Oliver - なに?

What the fuck

Hey, check out my new work!

Miss Nort in Danger AU style

Having fun while draw that ^w^

Let's switch jobs between our old days Miss Circle and [definitely] mentally stable new one!

Dude, I totally forgot to draw Miss Nort! Also, I just realized I messed up her name and called her "Miss North." Glad I caught that!

"Circus" AU

(The created of AU: Ash_Espoir)

Hey hey, that me again! :D

Here some two works i did for my OC Miss Peterson ^^

How you will like it

(Damn, that sketchbook is looking so old XD)