3 years ago

Everybody(who is going to post stuff or get art from this community and everywhere else too!) listen please because this goes for this following community, so you better follow them!

So guys this is a adoptable art community U vU

Make sure to follow the Rules!


  1. Do Not Steal Art!!!!!!!!!!! we will report you and make sure you don't send it on another program, this rule also goes with rule 3

  2. Put NFSW in articles because some people don't want to see it

  3. Your amazing art should always have your watermark so nobody can steal it until they pay for it

  4. If you have a Deviant art or Instagram account, make sure you post your amazing art on those cuz some people don't have that much money here T vT

  5. Make sure you get some amazing art and share some with the world too!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember the rules and have a great time, and thank you reading this post!!!!!!!!



Next up

NOO I HATE RAIN (jk, i just wanted to touch some grass dou T vT)

hey guys!!!! I will now be called Notch Nutshell, also NN

Well, this picture is one of my OCs!!! Her name is Runa

:0000000000 sus boi coming out, warning, poggers near by....very nearr

*WHEEZE* @BoBdAtEm , is now a ten year old x'D

ayo look wut i made in class on le chrome book

It is meh and @Lil-1 (Im shorty and she is lil)

Done, I have finished Pico, which I already did BF, so hope you guys like it! T wT

My puppet show characters!!!!

Guys!!!!! I did one of my OCs!!!! like ya asked U^U, her name is Sarah, and she is a relly nice gurl uwu

Guys... I have made this x'D First time, first death, first Neko-Neko knee caps x'D Hope you guys like it T wT

Repost if