15 days ago

Everyone report @femboystriker

I thought they were cool at first, but then they made this shit



Next up

Little animation test

What are your thoughts on it ?

They've started working on the animatronics for the second five nights at freddys movie

And there working on mangle :D

Shout-out to @elchmann for this amazing piece of artwork he made of lemmy

Genuinely one of the best artist I know

Pastra my beloved

Goodnight bitches

I watch pastras not going to sleep stream while I go to sleep every night

Seeing that pastra liked my post I'm accualy crying

I know it doesn't seem like anything and it probably doesn't but this means so much to me

The 3rd mainline bendy game has been announced

All together there is a total of 4 upcoming bendy games

Zooble doodle

Are yall excited for may 3rd

Thank you all so much for 500 followers, I really can't thank you meatsacks enough

A drawing for @isabellavallejo I made awhile ago but forgot to post