In the actual third version, there have been some more changes to smaller things. The Expurgation stop signs now appear more frequently, and look different. Hellclown has been fucking overhauled, TWICE. The arrows have also been changed, the music menu now appears as brup on the tape for every song (he did all the remixes), Auditor/CROS has been redrawn, and...
There is now a much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, harder version of expurgation hidden in the files, titled expurgation-warfare.json. This may just barely be beaten, but whoever can FC it deserves a ghoul medal. To play this version, first find it's json in the files, rename expurgation-hard.json to expurgation-original.json, and then rename expurgation-warfare.json to expurgation-hard.json. after that, restart the game, and...well, good luck.