expect a Coding V2 teaser later!
it is very awesome, and a HUGE improvement over V1 (which hasn't been publicly heard besides the 2 teasers on the page)
I may post the very crappy V1 once i finish V2.
warning: V1 is SUPER fucking repetetive and bad.
Next up
dave: i will do a backflip
oh yeah and incase you didnt notice
new banner
huh! who's this idiot?
The VilleTown cast is complete!
Here they all are (in order):
Ville, Bing, Rae, Tessa, Gimbo, Emi, and Sally!
The first 6 are all the characters you'll meet in the park, and Sally is the park shopkeeper, for all your Ville-preventing needs!
if you don't remember shadows cameo in sonic spinball you're not a real sonic fan
Merry Christmas from Sarfii!
choose da toppins.... (awesome remix)
frame from an old commercial i found SEGA does what Nintendon't!
All la Baimbr anims