11 months ago

Experiencing intense boredom doing everyday things? Whishing you wanted something fun to use to add to your day?

Then get a very awesome glass shard! its scientifically proven to increase productivity and a general sense of well being, powered by super rad awesome glass tech, it'll make your day go from boring mediocre blandsville to a jolty zolty wolty funzy den! Only for the price of FREE, you can get your very awesome glass shard today! :D



Next up

round doo

hard boiled mode is so... well hard! cant even make it past 2 AM!



huh, if there just so happens to be an empty composer slot, then maybe i should join the dev team... maybe this, will be my calling, my attempt to rise again in the fnf landscape.... hm...


legit the first thing i saw when i opened reddit a few minutes ago.

various assorted doodles

posted this on twitter too


come and check it out.