The progress was going amazingly swell that I even promised i'd do the game up until Prologue to publish the brand new MV remake right? Well, crap has happend.
I found out recently that my Data files have been damaged or turned unreadable in some way, with some articles online saying that it's mostly power outages that cause this issue.
While I didn't lose the whole game or anything, this means I lost the RPG Game Maker files for the Database within the game, that include the configuration of Skills, Tilesets, etc. So it's gonna be one whole new mess to fix.
This means that it will take quite the time to do all the Database stuff again, but the images and everything should still be around so maybe I can get it done or not.
To resume everything, the game will just take a bit longer. Current playtime was about... let's say 14-30 minutes if all secrets explored.