Five Nights at Wario's: Circus Freaks
1 year ago

/!\ Extremely important announcement /!\

I'm so sorry that this kind of a post even had to be made. If you don't care for drama, just ignore it (it's okay, Circus Freaks stuff is not cancelled but the development will be much slower)

If you only really care about the specifics on the state of my FNaW-related stuff, scroll down until you see a line, formed by dashes.

If you know me personally at all, however, I would appreciate if you do read this.

Some stuff has happened in the past few days, stuff that the large majority of you may be totally unaware of.

I made mistakes, attempts to humor friends that came off as "harassment", and for that, I apologize. I never had any actual ill intentions, I saw it through my tired, delusional eyes as harmless fun.

For those unaware, I'll inform you the best I can on what happened; someone (we'll call them person 1) had posted an exceptionally awful character design for a FNaW character. I was in a voice chat with friends at the time, and one of them was screensharing their GameJolt. I saw it, and noticed person 1 was...not exactly favored in my view. So, in the spur of the moment, I commented this in hopes that the friend would see it on the page.

"please never cook again, go back to the drafts with this one"

EVERYONE in the voice chat got a bit of a laugh! It was a rousing success of humor and whatnot! I then find out that the person was talking shit in a server I wasn't in about how I was pathetic for doing this. Feeling the hot streak of humor, and wanting to have joined the server for a while, I ask for an invite. This is provided to me by two friends in the voice chat.

Instead of immediately starting a full-blown argument with the person (remember, I've not had any ill intent, I just wanted to make friends laugh), I simply ask the person if they intended to actually change the design or not. What could have been a dumpster fire of insults and bitterness was initially just a matter of

"the design isn't too good are you going to change it?"

This was my first mistake. A tired man looking to humor his friends, doing something I shouldn't have at all. I should have simply not joined the server. However, I did, and it's irreversible. But, surely a small talk between people who don't seem eye to eye will just end in eye rolls and little more, right?

Someone else joins the conversation, someone we'll call person 2, with immediate hostility.

"Holy fucking shit, did you seriously come here just to tell someone to get better at something?"

I had. I did it with good intentions, but I had. There was no reason for me to do it, and I did it anyway to make friends laugh. I tried my best to explain I wanted to join for a while and this was a good reason to, but it frankly just wasn't. I went and did something bad because I thought it'd make my friends laugh more, and granted, it did. At the time, we were laughing a bit about it.

Eventually it all calms down again. Just another FNaW drama, right? Another mistake we'll all move on from, smarter and wiser? Nope. I proceed to, one by one, lose close friends who I had confided rather personal secrets to. You know who you are if you're reading this.

I deserve scrutiny, sure, but to lose everyone at once like this, with no chance to even explain? I couldn't take it. I put all the blame on person 2. I rationalized "everything would have been fine if they had just...NOT barged in and poured gasoline on a match!", without thinking that the match wouldn't be there to begin with if I thought outside of what would be the funny thing to do for 5 seconds, and just...refrained.

I didn't though, and I've at this point lost almost everyone close to me in this community, save for people who just plain don't care about it or those who are "disappointed, but won't leave". I regret my actions, and I'm saying it here so those who don't actually know can form their own thoughts. If you think I'm an idiot, that's fine. If you think I was just misguided at the time, that's fine too.


And now, the effects this will have on FNaW-related development. Losing everyone back to back like this will take a huge, MASSIVE strain on anyone's mental well-being, especially in my case when I'm really bad at letting go of friends.

Development of Circus Freaks Ringmaster Revision and Week 2 will be extremely slow, but the games will be finished. Any planned games that never started development will be cancelled, but their stories will be weaved into what's already done so you still get a somewhat satisfying experience with the storytelling. Once they are finished, and we release patches to remove bugs, I will be leaving the Five Nights at Wario's community. I can't handle being treated like this, even if some of the treatment is deserved, and at the end of the day I have to prioritize my own mental wellbeing over making a game about Wario being scary.

To those clueless about this, who have just followed the game along to enjoy it and sing praises, thank you. I can't put it into words how much I appreciate every single one of you for enjoying a silly little Wario horror game me and some helpers put our souls into. To those who helped me with the game, either from me approaching you about it or even approaching ME with offers to help, thank you as well. I would never have been able to make this without you.

Once more, I am very sorry about this all. I still really like Five Nights at Wario's.

Thank you for your time,

~ Samuel P. Kaze



Next up

it's still under 1 gigabyte

good morning freaks

mario when he open fridge and see he no food

Wario's Circus Freaks Ringmaster Rework camera image first look

Powered Up 2: The Ice Age teaser!

week 2 progress bar for fun

Circus Freaks VIRUS Wario render by Samikaze


Who is "Wumbo"?