Five Nights in the Future Precursor
4 years ago

F as in Friction

Hello everyone,

It might be hard to admit, but I’m still not done. There’s a lot still left to do. However, fortunately, around September of last Fall, I finished polishing the last location and started coding my game into Clickteam. Pretty much everything looks great, or as good as I can make it with my version of Blender and my time.

It’s been…seven months…since I last gave an update. Even with that update, game development had been paused for four months before.

I’m sorry about that. 2019 had barely any content to show for this game, and I haven’t started 2020 out as productive as I would have liked either.

This isn’t a problem isolated to this game, most things in my life feel really hard to do right now; so many tasks and activities take so much energy and focus to even start, let alone work through. Some of the only things I can do that don’t drain me are the tasks that are absolutely mandatory (i.e. College Work), which also takes up most of my time.

It’s like some invisible difficulty setting has been amped up.

I also believe my environment makes it very difficult to make progress. It kind of shocks me when I realize just how difficult it is for me to be productive in my surroundings.

Regardless, the game I’m currently working on is a precursor to Five Nights in the Future. I’ve been working on this game for quite some time, and the reason I started it is because FNiF is very large in scale in terms of assets. It’s not a regular FNaF fangame because the whole experience is longer and different.

I’m much further along in terms of progress with this precursor game than I probably would have been with FNiF if I had stuck to keep working at it back then. This doesn’t mean FNiF is canceled, but I haven’t seriously continued work on it for a while, and likely won’t until this precursor is done and released.

Looking back, I believe my timing with making FNiF was not right; it requires more content than I think I could’ve produced back then. I believe that after this current game is done, I might be able to actually produce the assets I need for FNiF.

This precursor game is far more relaxed with scale, and even with that, it still is taking me 2+ years to complete. Yikes.

I really don’t want anyone to get hyped about this game yet. I can’t guarantee how long it’s going to take, and so I don’t want people to get invested in this too early and wonder why things are taking so long.

I am currently writing this to you while I still find it difficult to make daily, or weekly progress, so I also don’t know how long it might be before I give another update again. I really don’t want people to stare at an unchanging page forever, but the game just simply isn’t complete yet.

So therefore, I suggest to not dwell too much on this page until I am closer to releasing this.



Next up

Third Progress Bar (Complete)

Excerpts from the Book. Pt 2.2

Excerpts from the Book. Pt 2.1

Progress Bar for the Task at Hand

Excerpts from the Book. Pt 2.3

Fifth Progress Bar Complete

Excerpts from the Book. (Click the right arrows until you reach the first page of the chapter).

Fourth Progress Bar Complete

Second Progress Bar (Complete)

First Progress Bar (Complete)