Corrupted Files

3 months ago




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@rxtrplays If you thought era 1 was rough, ur in for something...

Such an incredible number of followers! Thanks guys!

Wanna thank my most active followers (comment, like the most that I’ve noticed)






Follow these guys too! Thanks guys!

Thanks for following me guys! I just have a small favor to ask. If y’all who are already following me would head over and follow my game “corrupted files” that would be awesome! I have tons of followers, but the game could use a few. Thanks so much!

Yes, There will be office gameplay in corrupted files.

Dissapointment simulator Chatper 3: Boe Jiden

Coming soon.........(ish)

Just listening to metallica while animating shrek flying airforce one. Life is Good.

"Is that Freddy Fazbear?"

Lethal company with mods is chaotic......

(u cant hear me cuz my mic is muted sadly. maybe for the best.......)

Lots more stuff like this on this YouTube channel:

Hey at least Todd dont look like this no more......