27 days ago

Facts about Billy “Bill”:

(Read Article for bio)

Billy was originally supposed to be Jerry’s bully in “The Bully” projects back on Scratch but he now evolved to be Jerry’s mean older brother. He was also originally supposed to be the main antagonist to the series I made back on scratch called “The Nerdiest Feline.”

Billy is 39 years old.

Billy is Jerry’s older brother.

Billy is a college dropout who works two jobs to keep his money steady.

Billy hates Jerry.

Billy is bisexual.

Billy isn’t all about bullying Jerry as he used to back on Scratch. This time he sort of does bully Jerry but in a way where it’s not too much. He wouldn’t go around chasing Jerry and making his life miserable anymore, now he just bullies him or gives him snarky comments when he passes by.

Billy does have a mole on his cheek. (It’s not a drawing error)

Billy’s favorite food is fried chicken.

Billy’s least favorite food is fish in general.

Billy’s favorite beverage is mango smoothies.

Billy’s least favorite beverage is strawberry milk.

Billy loves musicals.

Billy hates soccer.

Billy plays the drums.

Billy has a fear of heights.

Billy loves skiing.

Billy misses his mom.

Billy usually prefers to be called Bill.

Billy loves space and wishes to visit it sometime.

That’s all for Billy! More info about him will be revealed soon in future posts.

[Any lore that was made of him and Jerry on Scratch does not connect to the lore I have planned for him and Jerry here.]



Next up

I think I absolutely flopped at this zombie design lmao mb

Hey guys! I was clearing up my files and decided to drop this MP4 of my old project, “The Nerdiest Feline” that was recorded by my friend, @Higgies

If you are new to my content, please read article


Deltarune for sure. Hometown just seems so peaceful even though there are some silly stuff going on. Some of the citizens there are just overall sweet and I would love to be their friend.

Wait mb he’s alive


Never done one of these work in progress things so here’s a work in progress of art I’m making of an OC of mine as a zombie.

A headshot of it. (Still working on parts of it though)

Sometimes I love what my files give me

Edit by FSFellah on Scratch

Been thinking for a bit and I think I finally settled on the name for the new series I’m working on.

“A Gifted Anisprout”

“Little sea kitty

- Helen V.

2nd Grade


Hey fellow nerds! I went ahead and drew a redraw of my previous drawing. Hope you guys like et!11!!11

Nelson from Nerdiest Feline DIED.