1 year ago

fake J's



Next up

completely normal orthodox sane human behaviour

"I should have Golden Clark done by tomorrow"

Completes the drawing May 12th

Gamejolt, PLEASE fix this

It keeps telling me i've gotten new notifications even if there is none

I think I speak for a lot of people because I've seen posts about this issue before


I got this even though I liked a post with 2 likes on it

So basically it's not even sticking to its own gimmick anymore, brilliant

Bluite's Therapy

I made this a year ago but remastered it since it looked BAD..................

Oh yeah watch this on my yt, too


It has been a LONG while since I've made a video devlog for this game, but I've been in CRUNCH mode for this game recently, so that means I've done some stuff.

Read the article below


I don't usually animate very often but I had to make a running cycle for The Spider, so here it is.

I animated this on my phone and it took me five hours.

You can watch this on YT too, btw:
