These are concepts for the Zeno Mix of Faker amd Black Sun. I looked at @ijtheheghog look on the background of Faker and Black Sun they were alright but it didn't fit for Faker Pac tbvh. So I did my take on it by changing some details like Ghost BF for an example so I could make him look more like BF. The two backgrounds are different and here is why (and also some lore of Faker Pac as well too). Faker Pac is like Pac man but more different, that's because he was made in the same matter from EXE, where he was killed and his matter would be disposed and the matter would be split into small pieces, one of them would then make it's way inside the code of a Pac Man arcade game, infecting it. While in it the matter would take the form as PacMan but more different and would have the name "Faker Pac". He would transform in his true form and he would have the ability to change the world into something more corrupted or different and would change the world back to normal to trick his victims, he can do it while transforming into his true form, or can just change entirely while not transforming and would stay in his faker form.
And that's all there is for it and I hope you guys like this concept I made.
Fun fact: I copied and pasted Faker Pac and his true form in the posts cause I didn't want to draw him. They are basically his idles.