19 Sprint Speed
110 Stamina
40 DMG
If players stay still for too long, they will become highlighted to Fallen Wolf, and obtain the inked debuff. This instance of the debuff lasts for three seconds and only starts to wear off after the player begins moving again.
This functions the same as losing your passive coin gain, however on a shorter timer.
Fallen Wolf will play a short sniffing animation, accompanied by a sound effect, once a player becomes highlighted. This notification has a 20 second cooldown before it can be triggered again.
Fallen Wolf will get a speed boost similar to MX, swinging his fist forward and hitting any players in his attack. His attack can hit multiple people and has a large hitbox. Players who get hit will receive the bonebreak debuff and receive major knockback (cancelled by hitting a wall). Fallen Wolf will also receive major endlag upon using his M1.
Ability 1 - Dog Pound
Fallen Wolf will jump up in the air, getting an immense speed boost while airborne. He is capable of jumping over the forest cliff, and Ao Oni mansion hole. He will fall back to the floor shortly after, and all players nearby will gain a speed boost and a prompt to get out of the way. Any players hit will recieve the bonebreak debuff, 60 damage, and be flung away. Fallen Wolf will experience a bunch of endlag while getting back up.
Ability 2 - Blot Toss
Fallen Wolf will reach into his ribcage and rip out a small blob of ink. The next time Fallen Wolf presses M1, the blob will fly forward and travel until it hits an object. If it hits a player, they'll take 20 damage and receive the inked debuff.
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