False Front

5 years ago

False Front - Devlog #14 - New Maps and Weapons!



All maps that will be available at release are now done. Although we’re planning on making more maps after the game launches. New maps take at the moment about 1-2 months to make, but hopefully we can decrease that time in the future.


Hills map!

Hills is the most recent map we’ve made and its one of the biggest and most optimized maps we have. It is more open and natural than any of the other maps and will hopefully bring some different types of gameplay than the other maps.


New weapons!

We have added 4 new weapons to each class and there are now a total of 16 weapons in the game. Weapons are fairly easy to make so we will most probably be adding even more in the future.





Next up

We recently went to Dreamhack Winter 2019 in Jönköping with our game. There we were able to try out some new gameplay elements.

© 2019 Svantech Studios AB #multiplayer #action #shooter

False Front - Trickshotting Update Trailer


False Front Gamplay update. This is a large update adding gameplay items like barrels, ladders and ziplines. Maps are also updated for improved gameplay. #multiplayer #action #shooter #fps #freetoplay

Stay frosty! 🌲

False Front 2.0.0 update. This is a update adding weapons, grenades, customize gears, improved NPC AI and more.

#multiplayer #action #shooter #fps


Last weekend the team went to the Sweden Game Conference in Skövde to show and test the next version of False Front. We got good feedback from other developers and players.

© 2019 Svantech Studios AB #multiplayer #action #shooter

Finally pathfinding added to maps. The foundation for the next update with improved bot AI. Here bots playing hard point and red team winning and a picture of nav-mesh outline. Read more about pathfinding in False Front:…

We had some fun at DreamHack Winter 2019 last week. We got to see some of our future updates in action and got some nice feedback on things we can improve. Also, some big updates coming early 2020!

© 2019 Svantech Studios AB

#multiplayer #action #shooter