2 years ago

Fan backrooms level + entitie. Level 6488, 45 aka night feild. Entities are smilers & scrachers + my own lighters. Lighters just wrome the feilds. Level class is a class 3 safe unsecure medium entitie count. More later.



Next up

Danmark time

Here is our cat. We got her in basicly the end of summer. You guys probably havnt seen her. Btw her name is Mila.

Yo im comming back! Ive ben trying to get on with my life but I just cant quit. Expect more from me later.

The Deep Poolrooms.

This is why europe is better.

Whacha doing?

I have to post a CHEESUS CHRIST every once in a while.

A Sequel to my MEGA Post of my best Liminal Space renders (in my opinion)

Sorry for not posting in a long time I have ben just living life but I just wanted to show what I just got like a minuit ago.