Helldivers: I'm Doing My Part!
Me and my friends (who I included in as voices) have been enjoying this game quite a bit. We conveniently watched Starship Troopers last week, and I was insp...



Next up


Honestly, I think creepers would be very dangerous in real life; they explode like a bomb!

I can't quite remember exactly how I said #HelloThere to Star Wars for the first time. However, the earliest memory I can think of was playing Star Wars Trilogy Arcade at Chuck E. Cheese.

As much as I love playing on my PS5 and Nintendo Switch, the Wii will always hold a special place in my heart.


Scared the gay into him...

Sonic the Hedgehog is my favorite video game mascot; I dare you to change my mind!


The meme "I Go Meow" will be alive...But not the soul of this cat.

More info in the article...😞😢

@KingJolt64 's other villainous counterpart👾

This picture was requested by @KingJolt64