3 days ago

#FanArtFriday The one I like of it from my childhood fav pokemon was pikachu.



Next up

Welp done it  ̄▽ ̄ V .

Another Drawing of the digital art just try to get one on tht.

#art #digitalart #GmArt

I finnaly got my freedom, To draw again I even want to throw my chair out side of my window.

Original Art: My Lil'Fox tale

Request by @JRBJeb

Fully Animated

Hopefully there's something I could try to make long animation that really long enough to make it like real next time. In other animations.


I try to make this image that I just made. To make it fit on thre freaking front page picture this is so annoying me so much I have to star over again!!.


Mostly I dont fear anything from this mob, but there are just one who might could and that is Vex who make me angry alot.

So what I did for every sketch I draw was kinda to much I guass altho I am really slow but, I really mean it this time is this rought sketch already too much?

That's my quastion in my head whan I was doing the sketch everytime and every years.

Daily for the draw oc @Mr-

Just doing for my community gj, so this one is for meme platform and looks like I have to draw a meme faces who ever in my group chat.
