fangame direct removed trevor's 2 so... i guess maybe the next game will be in the direct
Next up
exposed again
the dumb clown series by smg4 is on netflix, that's really dumb
victory is ours
a meme i made
Surprise-surprise! Insomnious Nights 2 releases NOW!
The game comes out a day early. Hurry up to play!
@ArtyMik9082005 made this, who is supposed to be an anti version of me, it is literally just TheRealTkhurka model i used to make with shitty extra features
(look i'm sorry for sending too much arty but) WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!!?!? someone put this on the arty exposed document
Hey all, we just released a better rendition of Fangame Direct 2. This is how we wanted the event to be seen this past Friday. The other version has been unlisted, and this new version will take its place. Thanks again, everyone!
aight so shartymik420 made a shit article about me getting exposed let me proove him wrong