10 months ago


I love this game due to the updates and mechanics, for example the holding X move in circles is good for grinding for the super sonic ability



Next up

I forgot to mention but i'm redownloading unity so, it will be better soon for the game, I'm hoping for a bright future to make this game entirely good for once. :)


Vanny Mask gone wrong

You know Sonic the hedgehog? 😀


#sonicthehedgehog #sega #sonic #sonicfanart

Context: so i was making a roblox cake for the 17th anniversary of roblox that is going to happen soon... So i made this out of it (also my first time using 3.4 of blender :D )

Sonic Heroes Movie Version!

retry moment lol


I tried making the builders club logo in 5 minutes, this is how it went #RobloxFriday #FanArtFriday

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!

#GameJoltColors23 i made this as a joke character at first but uhh... looks like a final boss slime with no eyes so i'm calling it "Final slime"