
3 years ago

Faz-Anim is now Open Source!

The game's full development assets and codebase is now open source! You all can now mod the game, help improve the codebase for future patches, document the systems and features, or just simply browse the development assets.

I'm planning on making sure all my future games released include an open source codebase of some kind, as I believe it is much better than keeping your code hidden and potentially lost if not preserved well. I encourage other fangame developers to do the same, preservation of your work and letting others improve it is just as important as with official FNaF stuff.

Make sure you read the GPL-2.0 Software License if you plan to publish or share any works derivative of this codebase



Next up

Alpha 1.49

Alpha 1.46

Min-Max v0.7a out for Patrons!


Alpha 1.44 + VR

Rat Race Production Update

500 Fan Shows!

Faz-Anim: Full Release! + The Future

Alpha 1.48