Five Nights in the Basement
6 years ago


If any of you guys who see this that have played it, please comment on this post what you think about it. It’s my third game ever and im open to constructive criticism.



Next up

Bedroom is in and you are able to look left and right

Im remastering the game in unity! Go check it out!

Starting to add more items after the stats menu.

Finished the settings menu! All changes to the settings save, there's a restore defaults button, and a preview sound when you change the game volume. Next is the round modifiers!

Fourth enemy is in

I started over on the development of the game so i could remake it in unity! So far ive been working to make it look better, and run smoother. Not so much is in this version yet but its going well! Check out it's devlog if you want to see the old version.

Lots of big gameplay changes have been made, im super excited with how it's coming out!

Second enemy is in

Third enemy is in

I improved the stats menu in my rpg so it looks wayyyy nicer, and it might be going up on steam soon so watch that coming soon page! If you want to see the devlog head to