2 months ago

Feeding my babys



Next up

(Vent/rant) Painfully true shitpost, I just finished playing the fanon mod and... What the fuck did they do to the thing I started... I hate the mod. the songs are alright, but everything is... Its soul shattering for me. the only good part was bloodlust.

Paranoid Japanese girl

Did my mum's take of me, yes she draws me like this, its due to my dad's oc being a ware-wolf, and my mum's oc is a hybrid between a witch vampire hybrid. (yes my parents made there own self insert ocs.) This version of me is named Alt! stardust

Ok so after fathers day I've decided to do something, Make a game with my daughter Emiko.CHARAI and her Meldhog due to I'm actually sick of people using my girl for clickbait similar to how people did with Candy the cat.

Minus Monika.exe The emerald wolf

old art of me

Did these mother fuckers just call my daughter a fucking femboy?


These mother fuckers love to use my daughter for clickbait. (Dont click these websites btw, according to my anti virus software there littered with malwares.)

Holo the smug wolf