5 months ago

ferb is NOT dead..



Next up

PLEASE SUPPORT MY NEW SONIC VECTOR THAT IS good and not my old and bad one pleaseee

I swear bro what’s this guys doing on my screen

ferb... what are you doing ferb,.. b ro..

After considering for a bit, I perfer the old sprites to the new ones. I will probably just clean up the old ones. The new version I made might be used for a cutsence thing I had an idea for.

Changes to the new test area. Meant to feel like how a level might be like in the final game.

So like what if i brought this back with a completely new art style

Things would of gone so much better if you listened. But you didn't do that, did you?

More progress with the new sprites

You were given simple instructions. Why didn't you follow them?

Something is not right here. This is not supposed to be how it goes. You didn't follow the instructions given.