Fighter of Eve
3 years ago

Fighter of Eve Update | 1.0.2 Patch

Hello everyone,

Here's a quick update for FoE.

It adds:

  • Widescreen Resolution (1280x768)

  • some UI elements overhauled

  • Improved Collision


  • collision with some objects

  • battle screen issues



Next up

Fighter of Eve recently got its first demo release!

In FoE, you play as an unknown hero, defeating enemies and helping the people, whilst trying to figure out where all the creatures come from.

Go ahead and give it a try:

Dialog Box and In-Game Menus are in! Still WIP, but pretty much done

I realized I haven't really updated y'all about my games at all in the past few monts. I'm still working hard on FoE and I might have some good news soon. As for Forest.end Illusion, there wasn't much notable progress, but it's getting there. Stay Tuned!

The Demo is Finished | Release Date!

Tutorials... 🙄😒


I have been working on an Album! Listen to it now!…

New Fighter Sprite. Thoughts?

Battle Screen is DONE! - Working on the Shop now. Very early WIP