Hey everyone,
here's a quick Patch that fixed ONE little tiny weeny peeny bug
Fixed Rock in front of Cave not actually being there at the beginning of the game, making it possible to skip the whole of Act 1 and go straight to the first Boss :)
Hey everyone,
here's a quick Patch that fixed ONE little tiny weeny peeny bug
Fixed Rock in front of Cave not actually being there at the beginning of the game, making it possible to skip the whole of Act 1 and go straight to the first Boss :)
I am current working on a Patch for Fighter of Eve which will introduce Widescreen Support (1280x768 resolution), and hopefully some big fixes. More info soon! #gamedev #fighterofeve #wip
The Demo is Finished | Release Date!
I realized I haven't really updated y'all about my games at all in the past few monts. I'm still working hard on FoE and I might have some good news soon. As for Forest.end Illusion, there wasn't much notable progress, but it's getting there. Stay Tuned!
Battle Screen is DONE! - Working on the Shop now. Very early WIP
I have been working on an Album! Listen to it now! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvNDnzbMeryeSQ_wowdTVpnTEOsS7…
Still working hard on FoE! I've added some new battle features and a leveling system. Next stop is the shop! More updates soon!
Tutorials... 🙄😒
Dialog Box and In-Game Menus are in! Still WIP, but pretty much done