Aaru's Awakening
11 years ago

Final Domain Trailer!

We just released our final domain trailer - Night. As the trailer suggests, the domain is dark and full of electrifying danger. Let us know what you think of the trailer, we take kindly to all feedback! We’re also still fighting it out on Steam Greenlight, so all support is greatly appreciated. While you’re at it, why not tell your friends :) ?

Domain of Night trailer!

Give us a vote on Steam Greenlight here!



Next up

Meet Nail Gun (video) Meet Nail Gun, the spike shooting fly from the Day domain. We made a small video preview of the bugger - so please have a look and tell us what you think!

Aaru's Awakening on smartphones ? This is pretty much how Aaru’s Awakening would look on an iPhone. Is this something you folks would be interested in - or should we just keep it on PC’s and consoles?

Getting featured in a tech show We got a visit from an Icelandic tech program today - Burkni took care of all the questions. We should be on Stöð 2 sometime next month, the hosts seemed fun and the show should be a good watch.

Artwork from the office Here’s a painting of Aaru, which is hanging at our studio’s offices. Maybe we’ll have a giveaway of some of these pieces in the lead up to our launch - would you be interested ?

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

"Our work is never over" they said.

Strange Umbrella


These are background sprites I've created for a game I'm working on at school ^w^ Click on the post to see how the sprites connect. You won't regret it! (personally, I think it's pretty heheh)

Drawn in Piskel using my mouse. Whaddya think?

"Day to Day" (also check spud out here he's a great guy and writer:

Some time ago, we posted a screenshot of the Mexico level. A curiosity about it is that, like some other scenarios of the game, it was inspired by a real landscape, The Basaltic Prisms of Santa María Regla. It is one of the natural wonders of the country!