Birth By Death
3 years ago

Final Prototype Released

The final Prototype was released

in 2021 there will be the Alpha version that will contain the full story for now enjoy this last Prototype

-Added outside and a little intro to test environment in 3D

-Added Lost Soul Guy

-Added an aftermath to the chase scene before the end of the Prototype

-Changed HP for Infected Spider Lvl.3 from 42 to 43

-Changed Agi info

-Changed Position for the level display of an enemy

-Increased the health gauge size for the enemies



Next up

Samira 3D Model - SCP Force

hyper realistic Tails Doll - Birth By Death

3D Model

maybe back at work

Bifurcadon - SCP Force

3D Model

Some info about the Yume RPG Builder two engines

Waiting for Yume RPG Builder be like

Soon - BBD

Seriously Again? another pretext ?


Character Teaser + Teaser of the new section after the eight pages