S.A.D. (On Hold Indefinitely)
3 years ago

Final update, and an announcement

Hello everybody!

So as you can see, I've changed a bit. I've rebranded. And most important, I've *matured*. I have a better understanding of game development, and I'm happy to announce a couple things.

First off, this game's canned. But don't be entirely discouraged though! I'm planning to make a much better horror game than what I had planned for S.A.D. I might even use some ideas from it... ? Who knows.

The less-depressing news is that I'm releasing a game on Steam! "F*ck This Game" is a rage game designed around the gimmick of playing up to 8 minigames at one time. There's more information on the store page, which you can check here: The game is coming out in Early 2022, so if you wanna play you might want to add it to your wishlist!

Ok I think this is a good announcement overall. I haven't used this site in forever. I forgot my password and had to look in an old notebook lmao



Next up

its one of the games ive ever made



PSA :: We're working as hard as we can on S.A.D. Between employee lives, families, and this game, this is our third priority. We need time to make it, and we don't want to be rushed.

Thank you for your time.

Good news! CR1419's sister was the first beta tester, and she says she isn't scared by anything. The moment she got jumpscared, she literally jumped. That means we're doing our job, lol (also, expect a demo/full release by April)



what's inside