
2 months ago

Finally figured out how to have shops



Next up

Finalized the first minigame! Here's an early screen shot of it. It's pretty aMAZEing (I'm sorry for the pun)

I really gotta update the lighthouse lol

Is there anything else you'd like for the basic tile in the dungeon?

When the game is finished and you beat the game you'll know when this appears.

The first room in the first dungeon is done

Finished the shop's looks, now I gotta code the shop. I'm also working on the shop keep's house.

The new light house is done!!! I love how much better I made it! So much more detail. If you want anything else on it let me know!

I'm done for the day, here's a screen shot (sorry for the quality) of the main part of Nameless Village. I can't show the other stuff I've been working on for a while due to it being very story revealing.

I think I'm mostly done with decorating the shop (and the arcade machine will most likely be playable, still working on that)

Here's a comparison