1 year ago

finally finnished reading the updates on "What it means to Speak in Red"

(new chapters: 3 and 4) (btw another small story time moment, includes many spoilers)

so like, chapter 3 is mostly just Ai'lei, the moth goddess, treating bob, who in this situation is suposted to be the slave of Ai'lei, like a treasure [they might kiss soon omhg]

i loved the chapter due to the fact that they actually put a whole ass story and alot of wrighting behind every character [very tiring to read but its so cool oh godd]

and uhh chapter 4 is just a whole backstory of Ai'lei and one of her other slaves [who currenly is HATING the fact that bob is so close to Ai'lei] where he tries to r@pe her [oh dear god it was painful to read] after all she shows off to him as a goddess and he gives this guy a choice, either his whole tribe [wich he was exiled from, prolly cause hes a creep and a lazy ass] getts burned down and the people there get sold as slaves on the market [including him] orr he uhh... idk i forgot.. they spoke too much in this part... anyway.. he begged her to have mercy of his tribe, even though he was exiled, and offered himself as a slave to her. when they reach the palace/temple [her home] he tries to r@pe her again [his ass almost getts killed by a god and hes still not giving up wth..] she calls her monks [aka her worshipers] to get him out of her room [its a long story how he got there]

GAHH....... THAT WAS ALOTT..........

but i cant wait for more updates,, i really recomend this fanfic to the ppl who like stuff with lots of big ass old words [and gods]



Next up

tht actual moment when i put 0.0001% effort in art:

@HelloWorldHappyDay said sigma..... if you think its fake youre sstupid anf uhhh a cornheaded ninny muggins..

pic of hw saying sigma in desc

yayyy,, i guess??

mhhh thingg.. for @Flavio-animates (hes going to remake it)

Tender Treats

hatman sees all.

screenshot frm my drafts,, ngl i feel like some people really need to hear this, and i hope tht the person i hinted at with this post notices (they blocked me a long time ago for nothing)


i havent fed yall in a while

throws you this 3 course dinner with candles and wine

uhh dis weeks art dump might start doing art posts weekly if theres nothing to interfere

1st img is next weeks leak